
Causeway Coast and Glens Tourism Webinar Series

22 December 2022

Organised by the Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council, a series of workshops have been released taking place from January to February 2023. These sessions all take place online for free.


This workshop looks at how to create better engagement with customers through ezines, newsletters, email marketing and social media and how to continue to sustain this and create engagement and loyalty.

Book here.

This workshop will show how to use keywords to promote your website and appear in search engine searches. It will explain search engine optimisation, what it is, how to use it, how to maintain it, what to do and not do and how to gather your own data.

Book here.

This workshop will look at a range of sustainable practices that a tourism business can introduce. It will also look at how to use this as a marketing feature of the business and provide examples of good practice.

Book here.


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