Selection process

Photo: ‘Curious construction no.9’ sterling silver and 18ct gold necklace; Maker: Egle Banyte; Photo credit: tbc


Stage 1: Eligibility

After submission of application form online, applications will be assessed for eligibility only by Craft NI staff.  If an application is not eligible, the maker will be informed at this stage, outlining reasons.  Please contact if you wish to check eligibility before you apply. 

Stage 2: Quality

Applications will then be assessed on quality grounds by the Craft NI Quality Group against the quality criteria that are listed in the eligibility and quality criteria. In your application, please make sure that you take the opportunity to describe your work as fully as possible against these criteria.  The Craft NI Quality Group consists of the following: Kim Mawhinney (Chair), Julie Carse, Dr. Christopher McHugh and Patricia Flanagan.

Stage 3: Decisions

If your application has been successful, you will be sent login details to your personal section of the Craft NI Maker Directory and you can begin to populate your own entry. You will also receive information about images and a short training video about updating your entry, but this has been designed to be very user-friendly. You will also be able to download your personal QR code and logo. 

If you have been unsuccessful you will be informed and feedback will be available. We want to encourage makers to apply and participate in the Directory, so we will always try to make feedback as specific and constructive as possible.



Applications are reviewed quarterly as follows:

Application Deadline | 31 December/31 March/30 June/31 August

Notification | 31 January/30 April/31 August/3o September

Deadline to complete your listing | Please complete your listing within two weeks of notification of successful application

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