PT Freelance Office Manager
9 March 2023
Deadline: March 24, 2023
The R-Space Gallery in Lisburn are seeking to hire a PT Freelance Office Manager.
The post holder would:
- Manage and maintain office systems: files, accounts, policies, communications, finance (incl. spreadsheets), contracts and project budgets.
- Support the R-Space Board of Trustees with Financial reporting and Minutes of Board Meetings.
- Research, submit and be responsible for monitoring of project-based funding applications throughout the year.
- Assist with Marketing campaigns as needed on website, social media and Mailchimp.
- Assist with the continuing development of the visual arts programme of events, exhibitions, and workshops.
- Act as Gallery attendant and Key holder as required.
- Occasional evening / weekend working may be required.
- Report to Co-Directors Robert Martin and Anthea McWilliams.
Important information:
Fee: *12hrs weekly @ £15 per hour (usually 2 days/week @ 6 hrs per day worked flexibly)
This freelance role is ACNI Lottery funding dependent and will therefore be contracted on an annual basis, with an initial 6 month settling in period.
Candidates must be self-employed and are responsible for the payment of their own registration with HMRC and all tax and National Insurance payments.
*R-Space aims to enhance these hours as needed subject to availability / receipt of additional funding
How to apply?
Apply by email or hard copy, with CV (max 2 A4 pages) and expression of interest letter detailing how you meet the above criteria (max 1 A4 page). All documents must be PC compatible.
Find the full job description here.
Deadline to apply is Friday 24th March 2023 @ 4pm
Interviews: Week bg. Mon 3 April 2023
Commencing: Tues 18 April 2023 TBC
32 Castle Street Lisburn BT27 4XE
028 9266 3179