The Guild of Enamellers Bursary Award 2022/2023
8 December 2022
Deadline: January 20, 2023The Guild of Enamellers Bursary scheme will open for applications from the 2nd January to the 20th January.
This bursary is aimed at early career enamelists, such as students on full or art time courses at Diploma or Degree level, who are aiming to integrate enamelling into their careers.
The Bursary award is worth approximately £1000 and is designed to help towards setting up as a new enameller. It includes:
- membership of the Guild of Enamellers,
- membership of the British Society of Enamellers
- a place at the Guild of Enamellers 2023 residential conference
- access to teaching videos
- vouchers, tools and enamels generously provide by our sponsors – Vitrum Signum, Milton Bridge, Proops Brothers, Corby Kilns, Harrison and Harrison and the British Society of Enamellers.
- CV in PDF format
- Description of your enamelling experience, max 1,000 characters
- Paragraph explaining why you would like to win the bursary and how it will be used to further your interest in enamelling. Max 1,000 characters
- Submit unedited images of three enamelled works. Each piece can have up to four images. JPEG or PNG, no greater than 3MB.
Deadline Friday 20th January 2023.