
Art Therapy Summer School ‘CREATE, CONNECT, CELEBRATE’

1 June 2023

Deadline: June 16, 2023

NIGAT are seeking facilitators for the 2023 Art Therapy Summer School ‘CREATE, CONNECT, CELEBRATE’.

Applications are invited from those who wish to present during the summer school and those who wish to hold workshops. Presentations must expand on various aspects of this theme, and relate to art as therapy, creativity and well-being. In your proposal, please describe how your presentation ties in with the theme.

Presenters must be entitled to work in the UK and be able to provide appropriate work documentation.

Submissions for presentations are also open to those applying as workshop facilitators and are open to anyone working in the field of the arts and well-being or a related discipline. Submissions for workshops should also expand on various aspects of this theme, and relate to art as therapy, creativity and well-being.

Find the application forms below.



Presenters: £75

Workshop facilitators: £35 per hour


Reasonable travel expenses within Ireland and the UK will be covered.

If interested, please complete the form(s) and return to:

NIGAT Summer Sub committee at summer-school@nigat.net by Friday 16th June 2023.

2023 Workshop Prosposal NIGAT Summer School

Presentation Proposal Form NIGAT Summer School 2023


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