Artist Feedback Sessions
23 February 2023

CCA is hosting a two-part online crit group on Friday 3 March and 10 March 2022, 10am–12:30pm for artists and creatives at any stage of their career who are trying something new. This opportunity is for artists who are not currently in any type of formal education who have begun their professional practice.
During the sessions, eight artists in total will share a piece of their work with the rest of the group. The session is facilitated by CCA Public Programmes Curator Laura McCafferty. Four artists present each week, with the rest of the group providing feedback through discussion. This is a platform for artists to receive feedback and the chance to generate a discussion around your work. Information about the crit and the Zoom link for this event will be sent to you in advance. A short break will be given halfway through the crit.
Book your free ticket here.
For any further information, contact