
Artist Opportunity: Award Piece Commission

25 July 2023

Deadline: August 29, 2023


The Arts & Business NI Awards in partnership with Forestside, celebrate the best in creative partnerships between the business and arts sectors in Northern Ireland. For over 30 years, the Awards have been shining a light on remarkable creative collaborations and inspiring new connections between the sectors.

At the glittering annual Awards ceremony, each winner is presented with a high-quality piece of locally produced art to keep as a reminder of their success. This year, Arts & Business NI are seeking trophy artworks which reflect the theme of ‘connection’.


Artists are invited to submit design proposals for the Award Pieces in response to the brief which can be found at the link below.

The total fee for this commission (15 award pieces) is £4,000. Submission of design proposal along with a CV required by noon on 29 August 2023

Link for more info: https://www.artsandbusinessni.org.uk/news/2023/july/artist-opportunity-award-piece-commission


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