Stash Busting Fireworks Pinwheel Quilt Block

About the event

Come along to the Whitehead Community Centre to join tutor Jacki Bradley. This workshop will introduce you to the world of patchwork using Foundation Paper Piecing as you sew a fireworks pinwheel block.

For the workshop, you will use fabrics you already have, for example, material previously purchased or clothes you want to repurpose.

This block can be finished as a one off or if the patchwork bug bites, it can replicated to form a quilt.

Jacki has over 20 years experience in both patchwork and quilting and looks forward to teaching you this wonderful skill.

Where is it taking place?

Whitehead Community Centre
Balmoral Avenue
BT38 9QE

When is it taking place?

Wednesday 23rd August


Price and do you need to book?

£35, booking required. To book, email or call 028 9337 2888

Contact details

T: 028 9337 2888




Additional information:

This event is a part of August Craft Month held in collaboration with Design & Crafts Council Ireland and Cork Craft & Design. 2023 will mark the 17th annual August Craft Month in NI with makers all across the island of Ireland getting involved.


All August Craft Month events are run independently by the event organisers. For questions regarding this event please contact the event organiser directly.

Event Details

Start Date: Aug 23

Start Time: 10:00 am

End Date: Aug 23

End Time: 1:00 pm

Location: Co. Antrim

Type: Workshop

Price: £35

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