Kantha Quilting

About the event

Explore Indian Kantha stitching and find out how it can be used to decorate items for the home. Linda will demonstrate how to make a thin summer quilt reusing old house linens, then you will be guided in stitching your own elephant design pouch.

Learning how to use colourful Kantha stitches you will be able to continue this attractive technique at home. By recycling household items such as sheets, pillow cases and duvet covers we are helping reduce landfill and also make something warm and comforting. This versatile stitch is simple and perfect for those new to stitching. All materials are provided.

Where is it taking place?

The Island Arts Centre,


BT27 4RL

Who is it suitable for?

No previous experience is required.

When is it taking place?

Friday 18th August

10.30am – 1.30pm

Price and do you need to book?

£35, 12 places available

Booking required online here, or by phone.

Contact details

T: 028 9244 7506

E: christina.hurson@lisburncastlereagh.co.uk




Additional information:

This event is a part of August Craft Month held in collaboration with Design & Crafts Council Ireland and Cork Craft & Design. 2023 will mark the 17th annual August Craft Month in NI with makers all across the island of Ireland getting involved.


All August Craft Month events are run independently by the event organisers. For questions regarding this event please contact the event organiser directly.

Event Details

Start Date: Aug 18

Start Time: 10:30 am

End Date: Aug 18

End Time: 1:30 pm

Location: Lisburn

Type: Workshop

Price: £35

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