Spinning Yarns

About the event

Welcome to Arthur Cottage, come in and have a seat by the turf fire where you will be given the warmest hospitality by Mary, our resident crafter in period costume.

Mary will demonstrate the wonderful art of spinning, this unique and charming craft has been around for years and elements still play a humble part in life today. As Mary spins the wool she will also spin some yarns and tell stories from bygone years.

As you listen to the yarns and spin of the wheel you will also here the crackle of the open fire and smell the fresh sodas been harnned.

You will have the opportunity to try spinning and sample the warm delights from the griddle. This is an event demonstration for all the family.

Where is it taking place?

Arthur Cottage,
Dreen Road,
BT42 1EB

Who is this suitable for? 

This is an event demonstration for all the family.


Full disable access available

When is it taking place?

Saturday 5th August, 11am-2pm

Price and do you need to book?

£4 per person.

Booking is not essential but recommended, bookings can be made through Ballymena Visitor Information Centre on 028 2563 5010. Payment can be made on the day of the event.

Contact details

E: Arthur.cottage@midandeastantrim.gov.uk




Additional information:

This event is a part of August Craft Month held in collaboration with Design & Crafts Council Ireland and Cork Craft & Design. 2023 will mark the 17th annual August Craft Month in NI with makers all across the island of Ireland getting involved.


All August Craft Month events are run independently by the event organisers. For questions regarding this event please contact the event organiser directly.

Event Details

Start Date: Aug 5

Start Time: 11:00 am

End Date: Aug 5

End Time: 2:00 pm

Location: Co. Antrim

Type: Demonstration

Price: £4

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