Woven Willow Irish Hare

About the event

Join Clive Lyttle from Welig Heritage Crafts to weave your own Irish Hare for the house or garden.

Using soaked willow we will construct a basic skeleton and then build up the structure and adding detail throughout the day. This workshop is suitable for beginners and those with some experience in willow weaving.

All tools and materials will be provided. Enjoy tea ,coffee and as much cake as you can eat throughout the day. Please bring a packed lunch.

You are invited to enjoy your lunch in the Centres gardens which boasts stunning views across the Lough to Scotland and the Skerrie Islands.

Where is it taking place?

Lourdes Pastoral Care Centre
Victoria Avenue
County Antrim
BT38 9QU

Who is this suitable for?

Suitable for adults


Full disability access available. Excellent train services and connections. Car parking on site. Please note venue on steep incline if walking.

When is it taking place?

Saturday 19th August, 10am-5pm

Price and do you need to book?

£105 – max 8 students

Booking is required, please email Lighthouseyarns@yahoo.com or call 02893372888

Contact details

T: 02893372888

E: Lighthouseyarns@yahoo.com



Additional information:

This event is a part of August Craft Month held in collaboration with Design & Crafts Council Ireland and Cork Craft & Design. 2023 will mark the 17th annual August Craft Month in NI with makers all across the island of Ireland getting involved.


All August Craft Month events are run independently by the event organisers. For questions regarding this event please contact the event organiser directly.

Event Details

Start Date: Aug 19

Start Time: 10:00 am

End Date: Aug 19

End Time: 5:00 pm

Location: Co. Antrim

Type: Workshop

Price: £105

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