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Belfast Visual Artists Forum

2 November 2023

Deadline: November 8, 2023

You’re invited to the Belfast Visual Artists Forum AGM taking place at Belfast Exposed on the 16th November from 11.45 to 2pm.

With guest speaker Kathleen Soriano who will also be in conversation with artist Thomas Wells, Array Collective.

RSVP to culture@belfastcity.gov.uk by the 8th November if you would like to attend.

The event is also online at Belfast Visual Arts Forum AGM (belfastcity.gov.uk)


About Kathleen;

Kathleen Soriano is an independent curator, strategic consultant, and broadcaster. Her broadcast activities include the ten series of Portrait and Landscape Artist of the Year for SkyArts. With over 35 years’ experience in the art world, Kathleen has been responsible for contemporary and historical exhibitions, collections and public programmes at the National Portrait Gallery, London and the Royal Academy of Arts, where she was Artistic Director (2009 to 2014).

Kathleen will share insights from her vibrant career where she works collaboratively with galleries, curators, visual artists, and artist studios to achieve diverse creative outputs.



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