
CCA x Jerwood = Supports

2 February 2023

Deadline: March 15, 2023

CCA x Jerwood = Supports is launching a new short mentoring scheme (paid) that will offer support and assistance to emerging artists who are navigating the challenges of a career in the arts. This opportunity is for artists who are not currently in any type of formal education who have begun their professional practice.

Mentoring aims to provide the opportunity to focus on career progression and to gain advice on a range of professional development. Mentees benefit from the insight and knowledge from experienced artists who will bring different perspectives and prompts to your practice through supportive and constructive sessions.

This Call is seeking mentors and mentees for 4 pairings to take part in 2 Zoom sessions over the next 6 months. All participants will be paid a fee of £250 for their time.

How to apply:

To apply to be either a mentor or mentee please email supports@ccadld.org with a covering letter and links to your website or examples of your work. In your covering letter please briefly detail:


  • introduce your practice
  • areas of expertise
  • experience of mentoring
  • indicate if you have access needs you would like CCA to be aware of


  • introduce your practice
  • why you are applying for a mentor
  • what you are hoping to gain from the experience
  • any goals you may have
  • please indicate if you have access needs you would like CCA to be aware of

Email your covering letter and links to examples of your work to Jane: supports@ccadld.org marked MENTOR APPLICATION 2023 or MENTEE APPLICATION 2023 by Wednesday 15th March or by post to:

Jane Morrow
CCA Derry~Londonderry
10-12 Artillery Street
BT48 6RG

Applicants will be contacted by email to hear the outcome by the end of April 2023.

For more information about the programme see here.

The Jerwood Developing Artists Fund is a dedicated fund from Jerwood Arts to support arts organisations to deliver transformative early-career artist development programmes across the UK.

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