
Crafts Council, Business Booster Sessions

26 May 2022

The Crafts Council have released a series of 90-minute business booster sessions. These will be available during August and September. These sessions sell out very quickly, if you’re interested in taking part, have a look today.


These 90 minute sessions have a charge of £60, with a limited number of spaces each month.

Whats included?

Described as tailored support from the Crafts Council’s Business Skills team, these sessions are here to help you with the challenges you may face. Some examples might be, targeting stockists, navigating and managing your the social media best for your business, and how to position yourself in the craft marketplace.
This initial session will have a follow up session, and both will take place online with an advisor from the team. You’ll inform your advisor before the session what you’d like to discuss, which will allow them to do their homework!
After your session you’ll leave with a bespoke list of resources, a tailored action plan and recommendations of useful networks, individuals and organisations.
Find out more here.

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