
Culture Ireland Grant Support

26 October 2023

Deadline: December 1, 2023

Culture Ireland offers support to Irish professional artists, arts organisations and international presenters to present work by Irish artists at significant international venues and festivals. Applications are accepted from the artist/arts organisation or international presenting partner.

Culture Ireland considers applications involving contemporary Irish artists for all forms of the arts as defined in the Arts Act 2003.

Culture Ireland also accepts applications for the presentation of work online to international audiences where an Irish artist/organisation is being presented by an international partner.

Costs for online events which will be considered by Culture Ireland include, but may not be limited to, technical and recording costs, venue hire, equipment hire, post-production costs.


Basic Eligibility Requirements:

1. Application must be in respect of an Irish professional artist/s or arts organisation
2. Application must be in respect of an art form defined under the Arts Act 2003
3. Only international events are supported (i.e. outside the island of Ireland)
4. The event must be accessible to an open public audience, promoted widely and fees must be payable to the artist/s or arts organisation.

*Applications from Northern Ireland are eligible

Deadline 1st December


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