
Digital Hot Topics Webinar Series

19 October 2023

This December, Tourism NI are joined by Ciaran Connolly, the founder of ProfileTree who be sharing helpful tips and advice for those interested in embracing Artificial Intelligence and new Digital Marketing trends for their tourism business.

Ciaran has been helping brands with their digital needs for over 12 years and specialises in digital transformation, developing digital strategies and supporting businesses to introduce free and paid AI and digital tools to streamline and drive business.


Check out…

Embracing AI for Growth and Efficiency in your Tourism Business on the 5th December. This session will look at how AI can be used to improve customer service, help with decision making and operational efficiency.


Exploring New Digital Marketing Trends for Tourism Businesses on the 12th December. This webinar will look at what is new on a range of social media platforms, it will delve into digital marketing with simple, free tools as well as looking at new upcoming trends.


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