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EU Exit Webinar 10 March

3 March 2021

Deadline: March 9, 2021

This free webinar hosted by Belfast City Council will cover common EU Exit issues being encountered by craft businesses making work for retail and wholesale channels.

Makers across NI are welcome to join the session on 10 March at 11am-12noon. Please register here.

The session will also cover issues associated with buying materials, supplies and equipment.

Craft NI has been in conversation with the panel to pass on issues already raised, please continue to update us with any difficulties you have encountered.

Retailers and Wholesalers, 10th March 11am

Do you run a small Belfast business that has been impacted by changes to import or export processes, taxes and forms since EU Exit? Are you currently affected by lock down, but know you could be affected when your business re-opens? Sign up here for our free webinar on Wednesday 10th from 11-12pm. Navigating EU Exit for retailers and wholesalers (belfastcity.gov.uk). Using online sales platforms, documentation and data, how to work with your suppliers, taxation, and what help is available, will be covered by industry experts.

If you are based in the Belfast City Council area and require more detailed support, you can also apply for one-to-one support here.

Similar support is on offer via all the local councils, links are listed here. We recommend you speak to an advisor, as much of the written info is aimed at larger scale operations.


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