
Expressions of Interest C.S. Lewis Festival

18 September 2024



Call for Expressions of Interest from makers and traders to take part at a craft and food market at CS Lewis Square on the 30th November. The market will take place as part of the wider C.S. Lewis Festival 2024, and as such winter themed decorations will bring the market to life.

The team are looking for expressions of interests from craft and food artisans who would like to be a part of an established East Belfast festival, expecting 2-3k footfall.


There will be up to 40x traders at the market, a mix of craft and food. The cost to take a stall is £40. 

Time: 12-5pm

Date: Sat 30 Nov 2024


Traders will have approx. 3x3M spot to work within. If traders can bring their own gazebo/table that would be preferred. East Side have some gazebos, tables and access to electricity but all are limited. Please communicate in your expression of interest if you would need any of these materials.


To submit your interest, contact Julie McLaughlin at 028 9045 1900 or email julie@eastsidepartnership.com.


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