Funding for Growth: Micro & Small Business Series
31 August 2022

Attend the Funding for Growth funding series, held by Enterprise NI, British Business Bank, Enterprise Causeway and Omagh Enterprise.
This series aims to help micro and small business owners understand what the right finance is for their business.
Who should attend:
Local micro (less than 10 employees), small (less than 50 employees) & self-employed business owners, operating in all sectors, as well as business advisors.
What you will learn:
- Gain awareness and understanding of the different finance options available for your business needs
- Build confidence and readiness to access the right finance at the right time for your business.
- Develop your practical skills to access and embed successfully the right finance at the right time for your business.
- Learn from local established business owners about their first-hand experience of accessing different types of finance.
- Learn how to take action to use external finance and the sources of support.
The three-part series will take place in both:
Enterprise Causeway: Fri 9th Sept, Mon 10th Oct & Fri 25th Nov
Omagh Enterprise: Mon 5th Sept, Mon 3rd Oct & Tues 22nd Nov
All sessions will be held in person from 9am-2pm, light lunch will be provided.