
Global Ambassadors Program 2023

8 June 2023

Deadline: June 18, 2023

Vital Voices Global Partnership are seeking mentee candidates for their upcoming Global Ambassadors Program which is specifically aimed at women who are working in the handcraft/handmade sector.

In 2012, Vital Voices and Bank of America came together to develop a signature partnership to accelerate women’s leadership development throughout the world. The Global Ambassadors Program connects extraordinary women leaders for mentorship opportunities.In each country that hosts a Global Ambassadors Program, we bring together Global Ambassadors (senior women executives who serve as mentors) to participate in a program that includes leadership development trainings and mentoring sessions with women leaders (mentees) who are at a tipping point in terms of their professional, business and leadership paths.

The 22nd Global Ambassadors Program will take place in New York City, USAfrom the6thto 10thNovember 2023, and will focus on addressing the ongoing needs and challenges facingwomen leaders in thehandmade/handcraft sectorfrom around the world who are addressing some of the world’s greatest challenges such as economic empowerment and human rights, and will underscore the critical function that women can and must play in moving their nation forward and highlight the role of women as drivers of innovation and socio-economic growth.


You can find an overview of the GAP New York City program together with the Mentee selection criteria and how to apply, here. 

To learn more about the Global Ambassadors Program see here.


Please note, all travel, meals and accommodation costs for mentees participating in this program are covered in full by the Global Ambassadors Program

Applications are due Sunday 18th June.


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