
Helen Faulkner Ceramics Temporary Part-time Studio Assistant

30 October 2024



Helen Faulkner Ceramics seeking Temporary Part-time Studio Assistant (Nov-Dec), 12 hours per week for 4 weeks £12 per hour.

This role will help with orders for Christmas. Helen Faulkner Ceramics is looking for a pottery studio assistant to help in her studio in east Belfast for 12 hours per week, preferably over 2 days but times are flexible.

Work includes: Weighing and wedging clay Cleaning Fettling pots Packing and unpacking kilns Mixing glaze Glazing pots Waxing pots Packing orders

Person applying should have good working knowledge of clay and be able to work quickly.

Contact Helen on helenfaulknerceramics@gmail.com with a CV and proposed days that you can work.


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