
Knitting and Crochet Guild: Secretary

30 March 2023

Deadline: April 30, 2023

The Knitting and Crochet Guild are looking for an organised administrator to join the Board as their Secretary.

The time commitment for this role is around 15 hours per month (some weeks will be busier than others), working from home, with other opportunities to get involved in project working groups too.

You will need to be available for monthly Board meetings (held via Zoom).

As the Guild is both a registered charity and a limited company, you will be required to become both a Trustee and a Director.

If you’re interested in this role, email chair@kcguild.org.uk to find out more or to apply. To apply, you will need to provide:

  • a short CV or description from you about why you are suitable
  • an informal chat with the Chair
  • and introduction to the rest of the Board

Deadline to apply is Sunday 30th April.

Find out more about the Knitting and Crochet Guild, here.


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