Céline Traynor


"omit the unimportant in order to emphasis the important" Dieter Rams, German product designer


Thoroughly contemporary in style, my jewellery designs in silver and gold, polished and matt finish, reflect my love of pure shape and form appealing to those with a minimalist aesthetic.
Although my jewellery might look abstract, the inspiration is down to earth – bridges, wallpaper and tile design, handwriting. Music plays a large part in my designs.
Taking a studied, almost mathematical approach, I reduce forms to a balanced, geometric shape. The finished result is simple jewellery with a highly individual appearance.
A favoured way of working is to design a link that lends itself to necklaces, pendants, bracelets, earrings, cufflinks. rings and brooches. I love solving the problems of how to connect, link, pin, hang.


Please contact me by email/phone/social media

Opening Hours

By Appointment Only

Where to Buy My Work

Craft NI Gallery, Belfast


  • Videos
  • Events
  • Commissions / Workshops / Private bookings


Pinned 2 – R-Space Gallery, Lisburn, August 2021

Made In Ireland – National Design and Craft Gallery, Kilkenny, October 202

I enjoy working with a client to design a piece/pieces, jewellery or corporate, from conception to finish.

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