Claire Skelton Artist/Maker


‘I create bespoke jewellery, giving sentimental, heirloom gold new life by reworking the metal and forging a new, contemporary piece to be worn and enjoyed once again.’


Claire trained in silversmithing and jewellery in Belfast and Finland. Following graduating from the University of Ulster with a 1st Class Hons in Contemporary Applied Art, she now makes jewellery from her hometown outside Belfast. Her designs are drawn from her artwork that explores the value of the sentimental jewellery of the past, transforming it into contemporary pieces for the future.

Her clients particularly enjoy how she conveys the sentimental and sustainable nature of gold in her bespoke designs. ‘I am inspired by the alchemy of melting down gold and its infinite ability to be transformed. When reworking a family heirloom, I like to find a way to echo the previous generation in the new design. It’s my way of respecting the unique and personal story behind the precious material.’

Alongside her bespoke jewellery, Claire also makes her retail collections. The ‘Sphere’ Collection is a celebration of metal; combining traditional skills with a contemporary approach to create fine, handmade jewellery. The designs are inspired by the process of creating tiny, individual metal gems formed from molten precious dust.  Her ‘Sphere’ collection has been twice selected for the Craft NI showcase at NI Assembly Parliament Buildings at Stormont.

Claire has been supported by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland as well as The Prince’s Trust. Her sustainable approach to materials has also led to her winning an Innovate UK, Young Innovator Award for their #IdeasMeanBusiness campaign.

Most recently, Claire was selected as a participant in Craft NI’s professional Development Programme, LAUNCHPAD.

The LAUNCHPAD Exhibition is open 24 June 2021-22 July 2021 in Craft NI Gallery.


I work from a private studio, please get in touch if you would like to arrange a meeting.

Where to Buy My Work

Craft NI Gallery

Royal Avenue, Belfast


Eclectic Artisans

Online (Coming soon!)


Unique Artshop

University of Ulster, Belfast


Linen & Latte

Newtownabbey, Co.Antrim


Ebb & Flow

Carnlough, Co. Antrim


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LAUNCHPAD | 24 June 2021 – 22 July 2021

The LAUNCHPAD exhibition will feature work from the four participants in Craft NI’s professional Development Programme, Launchpad 2020-21: Anne Butler (Ceramics), Anna Smyth (Ceramics), Claire Skelton (Jewellery and Metals) and Claire Mooney (Jewellery and Metals).

‘I create bespoke jewellery, giving sentimental, heirloom gold new life by reworking the metal and forging a new, contemporary piece to be worn and enjoyed once again.’ If you have a piece, special to you, that needs a new lease of life, or a special occasion to celebrate with a new design, please get in touch to arrange a bespoke commission.

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