Robinson Goldsmiths

Jewellery, Silversmithing & Goldsmithing


Eric Robinson

Originally from Newtownhamilton, in the countryside of Northern Ireland. He moved with his family to the hustle and bustle of Belfast City, at a young age and was raised in a red brick terrace house. His background of work was in a dental laboratory, working with cold crowns for teeth, which is how he advanced his skills into creating unique jewellery. Eric moved to the seaside town of Bangor in the 80’s and opened a jewellery workshop and gallery along with his wife Rosemary. Since then a lot has changed, the shop was renovated in 2014 and then also in 2021 into a luxurious space. Eric has been awarded 1st prize RDS Company of Goldsmiths Dublin 2009 and has been a finalist in many others.




Robinson Goldsmiths
38A Prospect Road
County Down
BT20 5DA

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