Faye Isherwood-Wallace Art


Three-dimensional textile sculptures with an emphasis on emotion, movement, natural texture and colour.


I am a needle felter, stop-motion animator and model maker with a passion for creating three-dimensional textile sculptures. I handcraft felted animals, full of emotion, texture and colour. Each piece I make is unique with an individual sense of character.

I studied Animation BA (Hons) at Edinburgh College of Art, graduating in 2022. My textile-based sculpture of a cheetah, “Hunt for a Better Future”, was selected for the Royal Ulster Academy’s 140th Exhibition (2021-22). I sell my work through my online shop, multiple outlets and at craft fairs.

  • Commissions / Workshops / Private bookings
● Upcoming Workshop: Beginner's Rabbit Needle Felting Workshop, Saturday 27th May 2023, Castle Ward, Downpatrick, ● Commissions: I offer needle-felted pet/animal portrait commissions. Please contact me via my online store or email for more information.

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