

Geoff Tulip is an innovative woodturner and woodcarver. His work, which is often a fusion of the two crafts, is highly distinctive and recognised for its quallity and craftsmanship.


Geoff has been a professional woodturner since 2007. His desirable work forms part of many private and public collections. As a woodcarver and woodturner Geoff uses both of these traditional crafts to produce work that is highly distinctive and is recognised for its quality and craftsmanship. He specialises in large centrepiece bowls, from the tree to the bowl, a process that can take several years, but also makes distinctive presentation gifts and bespoke awards.

From his workshop Geoff runs both woodturning and woodcarving classes and is privileged to have introduced and inspired hundreds to take up the craft as a hobby or move their work to the next level.



21 Teconnaught Road



Opening Hours

Monday to Friday

9am – 5pm – by appointment


Where to Buy My Work

Tulipwoodcrafts, Downpatrick

Kingfisher Gallery, Killyleagh

  • Videos
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  • Commissions / Workshops / Private bookings

Woodcarving Classes and Woodturning Classes are bookable throughout the year for groups and indivduals.

A wide variety of commissioned work is undertaken, From stunning centrepiece bowls for wedding gifts, bespoke presentation gifts and awards to architectural woodcarvings, Geoffs high quality work is ideal for many occassions.

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