Willow Leaves Handmade Books


Rosanne, at Willow Leaves Handmade Books, makes books for writing and sketching in a variety of designs and styles. Her bookmaking is based upon traditional techniques but also incorporates contemporary ideas and designs.


Rosanne’s aim is to make books that are beautiful, unique and functional.  Reviving the old notion of the commonplace book, she makes books that can be used for a variety of purposes: writing – prose, poetry, quotations, ideas – as well as for sketching and painting and the presentation of artwork.

An initial short course in bookbinding at West Dean College was followed by time spent learning other techniques and skills at bookbinding studios in Scotland and she continues to learn more about the craft of bookbinding every day.  Rosanne enjoys working with beautiful paper and likes to use the work of her artist sister for unique endpapers and covers as well as paper that she has marbled, embossed or printed herself.

Rosanne works in a small stone barn adjacent to her house in rural County Antrim.  She is surrounded by beautiful countryside and many trees.  She has been planting trees for over thirty years and estimates that she plants at least two trees for every book that she makes.

She is a member of the Society of Bookbinders and of County Antrim Open Studios.


105 Knowehead Road, Broughshane, Co. Antrim BT43 7JD

Opening Hours

Except for designated ‘Open Studio Days’, I open by arrangement – give me a call on 07840 245764 to fix a time and day and I’ll be delighted to welcome you to my workshop.

Where to Buy My Work

The Larder, Raceview Road, Broughshane, Co. Antrim

  • Events
  • Commissions / Workshops / Private bookings

Open Studio Days on the 10th, 17th and 24th of August from 10.00 to 4.00

Books for special occasions. e.g., birthdays and weddings

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