
Open Call: Public Art Commission

22 February 2023

Deadline: March 10, 2023

Golden Thread Gallery is working with GRAHAM and Arts & Business NI to commission a landmark new public artwork to be installed at Yorkgate station as part of the current redevelopment in North Belfast, a focal point for users and visitors.

The new station will encapsulate the idea that in order to move forward, we must acknowledge and understand our past. A major objective of this scheme is to regenerate the area and benefit the local community. The creation of new public artwork, made after consultation and input from local community groups, will assist in this aim.

This public art commissioning project will be up to a two-stage process, with an open competition for artist/artist teams and designers with suitable qualifications and experience.

The total budget for the tender and delivery of the artwork is £85,000.

Please email development@goldenthreadgallery.co.uk to request a copy of the full application / submission requirements and selection process details.


The closing date for submissions is 12 noon on Friday 10th March 2023.


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