Photographing Ceramics with Yeshen Venema
8 March 2022
Deadline: March 31, 2022

Craft NI is delighted to welcome back Yeshen Venema, an established product photographer specialising in the design and craft sector, with this focused session on photographing ceramics. With more potters and ceramists selling online, high quality images that will do your work justice are more important than ever.
As he returns to Craft NI for his first session of 2022, Yeshen will explain how to master your camera and take quality shots from your own studio. Using case studies, practical tips and demos, this session delves further into the principals of photographing ceramics to display your work to its highest standard. This session has been rescheduled to take place on Thursday 3rd March.
Yeshen Venema has worked alongside the Crafts Council UK, The Design Trust, Just a Card, New Designers, and ETSY. He has photographed the work of many leading independent UK ceramicists including Sue Pryke, Emma Lacey, Carolyn Tripp, Rhian Malin and Emily Kriste Wilcox. Thanks to support from the Arts Council of NI we are able to offer this training free of charge to makers in Northern Ireland.
Taking place online, Yeshen will join us from his studio in London to deliver this exciting workshop on Thursday 31st March at 2pm.