
Pottery Equipment for Sale

24 August 2023


Having established Mill Pottery in 1976, Tom Agnew has decided to retire after forty seven years and has the following equipment for sale: 


1. Nabertherm single phase top loader, recently fitted with full set of elements plus controller, nine 21” shelves and props     £2,500

2. Venco de airing pugmill (4” extrusion). £2,500

3. Rhode slab roller PW600 £1,000

4. Wenger wheel £750

5. Two sets of easily assembled metal racking and lots of 6ft ware boards £600

6. Swedish Sandnes adjustable whirler. Great job and goes forever. £100

7. Wall mounted extruder. Good capacity, well engineered. £150

8. Hose and burner plus gas connection and isolator lever. £150

9. I have recently dismantled two 50cubic foot gas kilns, one of which virtually unused. Consequently brick like new. HTI’s not numbered but lighter brick weighs 950gms and the heavier which  I think are 26 are 1.75 kgs

Lighter brick several hundred both new and used at £2.50 each

The 26 hti. Several hundreds and lots of arch brick. £3 each and £3.50 each 

10. 90 Kiln shelves. 18”x 14 x 1”     £20 each

11. Lots of props, various heights. Offers.

12. Bentrup controller.£1000 new and used twice. Offers.


Enquiries only by email please to millpottery@gmail.com and enclose a contact number.


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