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Public Consultation Draft Tourism Strategy for Northern Ireland

23 November 2023

Deadline: January 12, 2024

The Department for the Economy has launched a public consultation on a draft Tourism Strategy for Northern Ireland which outlines a 10 year plan to increase the value of tourism.

The draft strategy sets out a vision that seeks to establish Northern Ireland as a year-round world class destination which is renowned for its authentic experiences, landscape, heritage and culture and which benefits communities, the economy and the environment, with sustainability at its core.

It will be a key enabler of the Department’s 10x Economic Vision to help position the region internationally as an attractive place to visit, making our visitors feel welcome whilst at the same time helping to make the lives better of all our citizens. It will seek to deliver on the objectives of 10x by generating economic growth that is sustainable, inclusive and innovative.

It is premised on five themes and seeks to strive for a new and ambitious growth trajectory that is:

  • Innovative and uses our creative skills
  • Inclusive by bringing opportunities for all
  • Sustainable for generations
  • Attractive to visitors and investors
  • Collaborative to deliver a shared vision
  • The document identifies the key challenges and opportunities for growth.

During the development of the draft strategy, the Department engaged with stakeholders across government, its delivery partners Tourism NI and Tourism Ireland as well as other industry stakeholders.

The Department now wants all interested parties to consider the draft proposals for growth in the tourism sector.  This is an opportunity to help shape the final strategy and next steps. Tourism NI will also be consulting with the tourism industry via a parallel process of industry engagement.

The draft strategy is available at Draft Tourism Strategy for Northern Ireland: 10 Year Plan alongside supporting documentation. Follow the link to read the materials and leave your response/feedback.

The public consultation is open for 10 weeks until Friday 12 January 2024.


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