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Q&A Session with Cas Holmes

27 January 2022

Deadline: February 4, 2022

R-Space Gallery will be hosting an online Q&A session with exhibiting artist Cas Holmes this Saturday 29th January, at 3pm.

Cas Holmes is an award-winning textile artist based in Kent, who is renowned for her  use of ‘the found’ in her work. Some of her recent books include ‘Embroidering the Everyday’ (2021) and ‘Textile Landscape:Painting with Cloth in Mixed Media’ (2018).

Her work looks at the connections between land, place and environment and the messages found in collected materials. To learn more about her work, see the R-Space Gallery.

Contact the gallery (rspace@linenroomslisburn.com) for details on how to join the session. If you have any questions for Cas, please send them to the gallery before the session.

Their current exhibition Places, Spaces and Traces continues until Friday 4th Feb, make sure to visit if you haven’t already!


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