
Source Writing Prize

11 July 2024

Deadline: August 1, 2024

Source invites you to submit an article to their magazine.

The winning entry will receive £500 / 570 Euro and will either be published or Source will commission you to write an article in the future. All short listed entries will also be considered for publication or for future commissions. (paid)

Most of the writing in Source takes a specific form: book reviews, exhibition reviews or texts introducing sets of pictures, so these would be good models to follow. But they are also interested in others forms of writing so if you wanted to submit something in a different form then please do.

Their interest in photography is not only about the photographs that appear in books and exhibitions; it touches most aspects of life and Source like to read about those encounters too. This could be an article about a particular photograph of historical, aesthetic or biographical interest to you. It could be about some cultural or philosophical aspect of photography. It could be something the magazine has not considered.


1. You should not have written for Source before.
2. The article must be no more than 700 words.
3. The article should not have been published previously.
4. It should include your name and contact email.
5. It should be submitted by 5.30pm (GMT) on the 1st August 2024.

Source will aim to reply to everyone who has submitted an article by the 20th September (depending on how many submissions there are and how busy we are).

Find out more here.


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