Supports Programme Researcher at CCA Derry~Londonderry
18 May 2023
Deadline: June 13, 2023
The CCA is seeking a Researcher for the Supports programme: a two-year development programme aimed at supporting emerging artistic practice. Programme elements include a combination of short training courses, mentoring, crits, surgeries, feedback and more will take place throughout 2023–24 made possible with funding from Jerwood Developing Artists Fund.
The appointed person will work with the CCA team and with peer organisations throughout the region to:
- Map existing support for emerging practice in NI
- Identify future funding paths
- Determine routes and approaches to enhanced advocacy for emerging artists
- Research and develop a strategy for emerging artistic practice both for CCA and on an NI-wide basis
- Share information in a timely manner with the CCA Director, CCA x Jerwood = Supports Coordinator and the CCA x Jerwood = Supports Evaluator
- Agree milestones with CCA’s Director and produce outcomes including:
– External report for the sector
– Draft strategy for CCA’s future work supporting emerging practice
– Interim reports
ROLE: CCA x Jerwood = Supports Researcher
SALARY: £1500 for 60 hours research in total across 2023–24
DURATION OF POST: Until 31 July 2024, with an initial period of 3 months on probation.
PLACE OF WORK: Flexible as necessary – remotely and at CCA Derry~Londonderry.
Please send a CV and cover letter (no longer than two pages) outlining your interest, availability, approach to the role, and how your skills and relevant experience should meet the criteria, to Mel Bradley:, or by post to:
CCA Derry~Londonderry, 10–12 Artillery Street, Derry~Londonderry, BT48 6RG
Please also include a completed equal opportunities monitoring form.
Deadline Tuesday 13th June, midnight