
The Big Bauble

7 September 2023

Deadline: October 2, 2023


Applications are now open for The Big Bauble at the Craft NI Gallery. The Big Bauble is an annual fixture in the Craft NI Gallery, showcasing a wide range of unique handmade baubles.

About the Gallery:
CRAFT NI is the sector lead body or Champion for Craft in Northern Ireland. The Craft NI Gallery is our retail gallery, here we celebrate and showcase Craft and support Craft makers. Located on Royal Avenue in Belfast, it provides a great opportunity for local designer makers to reach an established craft audience.

Suitable work:
Handmade baubles, in limited edition ranges or one-offs. The baubles must be suitable for sale, by this we mean; they must be well made and presented with appropriate packaging. Materials can include but are not limited to; ceramic, metal, textiles, paper or glass.

You can find the application form here. Please have prepared, up to 6 good quality images of your baubles, a price list and an artist/maker bio.


Before submitting this application, please read the following information,

Terms and Conditions: https://tinyurl.com/tcn7v9ma
Who we support: http://craftni.org/about-craft-ni/who-we-support/


Application Deadline | Monday, 2nd October 2023, 5pm
Notification | Monday 9th October 2023
Delivery of Work | 16th – 20th  October 2023

Big Bauble Christmas Showcase | 2rd November 23 – Late Night Art


For any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us: gallery@craftni.org


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