
The Crafts Council, Business Resources Project

3 March 2022

The Crafts Council have added two sessions to their Business Resources project, ‘Spring-Back Talks’ which aims to provide practical advice from their business skills team.

  • Getting the Most from Facebook, Crafts Council’s Digital Manager, Emily Collins, shares her top tips for marketing your craft business through Facebook. In this hour long talk, Emily will demonstrate how to get started with Facebook business, paid-advertising and data analytics.

You can download the presentation and further suggested reading below the recording.

  • Presenting your ideas to a Client, Crafts Council’s Business Skills Coordinator, Tanvi Kant and furniture designer Juan Junca will discuss how as a craft maker, your clients can range from restaurant chains sourcing new tableware to deeply personal commissions such as engagement rings. This talk will focus on how to present your ideas to a client professionally, and doing so how you can nurture and develop your relationship throughout the process.

You can find the full 10 part series here for free.

These two resources, Getting the Most from Facebook and Presenting your ideas to a Client were funded by Creative Europe.

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