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The National Association for Ceramic Educators Survey

21 April 2022

Deadline: May 1, 2022

The National Association for Ceramic Educators is carrying out a survey to learn more about ceramic educators in the UK and Ireland. The results of this survey will allow the association to develop and deliver the best possible support.

The questionnaire is informal, and they have advised that bullet points are accepted, please respond however you feel comfortable.

Your feedback will:

  • Help shape the NACE development year
  • Give direction for NACE in how it can best support ceramic educators within its remit
  • Help NACE learn more about you, the community of ceramic educators it seeks to connect with

The closing date for the survey is Sunday 1st May. If you have any questions about the opportunity, contact the British Ceramics Biennial on 07960981110 or email rhiannon@britishceramicsbiennial.com.

Access the survey here. 


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