
The Pentland Churchill Champagne Pol Roger Conscious Case Competition

11 January 2024

Deadline: February 29, 2024

Arts Thread has partnered with Pentland Group plc and The Churchill Centre as the platform for this competition with Champagne Pol Roger  as the special Competition partner for the third time.

About the competition:

Sir Winston Churchill was Pol Roger’s most illustrious devotee and customer. Churchill’s relationship with Pol Roger dates back to 1944, although he had been a loyal customer as far back as 1908. At a luncheon given by the British ambassador to France after the liberation of Paris, Churchill met the charming and captivating Odette Pol-Roger and so began a friendship which lasted until Sir Winston’s death in 1965. Pol Roger was not just any champagne to Churchill, it was a drink that embodied the style and spirit with which he lived by: robust, mature and long-lived.

2024 marks 150 years since Churchill’s birth and 175 Years of Champagne Pol Roger. To celebrate this historic year, creatives are invited to design a sustainable solution for the Pol Roger Brut Vintage gift packaging that embodies this remarkable friendship.


First prize £1000, Second Prize £750, Third Prize £500. The First Prize winner will receive their design made up on a Pol Roger Magnum & will enjoy an exclusive tour of the Pol Roger vineyard in Epernay, France.

All three winners will be considered for work experience at Pentland headquarters in London.


Open to anyone over 18 who is studying or graduated from an Arts & Design course within the last three years – any course from fine art and illustration, to fashion and textiles, graphic design etc. The competition is open to applicants from any country.

Free to apply to, submit your entry by midnight on the 29th February.

Find out more here.


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