
The Radcliffe Trust Heritage & Crafts Scheme

13 January 2023

Deadline: January 31, 2023

The Radcliffe Trust accept applications from those who contribute towards the development of the skills, knowledge and experience of the UK’s heritage and crafts sector.

This includes funding for:

  • The support of emerging craftspeople of high quality, craft and conservation projects and training
  • Projects demonstrating creative outcomes by designer-makers
  • Projects with potential for capacity building within the sector
  • Some special needs projects focusing on the therapeutic benefits of skills development.

Applications for consideration by the Trustees in June are due by Tuesday 31st January.

Grants are generally in the region of £2,500-£7,500. To check eligibility and exclusions and to submit an application, please see here.

Find out more here.

If you have any questions please email Radcliffe@TheTrustPartnership.com.


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