
The Rosy James Memorial Trust Award

28 March 2024

Deadline: May 3, 2024

The Arts Council of Northern Ireland is now welcoming applications for the Rosy James Memorial Trust Award, which aims to assist craft makers to develop their careers by creating a new body of work which would otherwise have been unattainable without the funding investment.

Administered by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, the Rosy James Memorial Trust Award, established in 2014, was set up thanks to the generosity of Rosemary James (Rosy), a local patron of the arts. Originally from Belfast, Rosy had a lifelong commitment to the arts and following her death in 2010, bequeathed over £500,000 to help artists and craft makers pursue their careers.

Previous recipients of the prestigious award include glass artists Alison Lowry, ceramicist Eleanor Wheeler and sculptor John Rainey (2020), Sheena Devit in (2018) and ceramicist, Anne Butler and furniture designer, Brian McKee (2017).

The value of the annual award is up to £15,000. The period of the award will culminate in an exhibition of work on public display in Northern Ireland.


Deadline to apply 4pm, Friday 3rd May 2024.

Prior to submission of your application, you may seek advice on any aspect of the form from the Arts Council Visual Arts team. Dr Suzanne Lyle is the Head of Visual Arts and a Rosemary James Trust member and can be contacted at slyle@artscouncil-ni.org.


Find more information about the award, eligibility and how to apply, here. 


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