
The Thomas Dammann Junior Memorial Trust

26 January 2023

Deadline: February 24, 2023

Applications are open for the Thomas Dammann Junior Memorial Trust. Applications are welcomed from practitioners and students who want to improve their knowledge of the arts, or require funding for projects in the advancement of education and research in the visual and applied arts.

The maximum award is €5,000 per applicant.

Who can apply?

Applicants must be either:

  • students registered at an Irish (Northern or Southern) third level educational institution, or
  • practitioners of the visual or applied arts or design who may be based in Ireland or elsewhere.

Students registered at third level institutions outside Ireland, even if formerly registered at Irish universities, are NOT eligible to apply. There is no age limit.

Trustees look for applications that are:

  • interesting, novel, and important
  • will contribute significantly to the applicant’s intellectual and personal development, and/or
  • would not receive sufficient or any funding otherwise.

The Trust will NOT consider applications for funding for conference fees, costs of attending conferences, costs of rental of studio space, purchase of materials or equipment, or costs of work placements.

Find more information and apply here.

Deadline, Friday 24th February, 6pm.

Notifications by Tuesday 7th March.


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