Women of Colour in Fine Jewellery Business Accelerator
13 January 2023
Deadline: January 23, 2023
The Women of Colour in Fine Jewellery Business Accelerator is seeking to support an established fine jewellery designer that identifies as a woman from the Global Majority/BIPOC, returning to work after having children.
Fine jeweller Shivani Chorwadia, supported by the Goldsmiths Company, is looking for ambitious individuals based in the UK wanting to take their established business up to the next level. The selected participant will work with professionals who offer culturally sensitive business and financial advice, marketing coaching and mentorship for 9 months in addition to a £1000 business grant.
Please note that your children can of be of any age; we are open to applicants who may have returned to work 5 years ago or 5 months ago, a time limit has not been set as maternity experiences differ. Find out more here.
Deadline for Application Extended to: Monday 23rd January. Apply here.
If you have any questions, get in touch with the team at, globalmajorityfund@gmail.com