Group exhibition considering the relationship between metal and colour in contemporary silversmithing and jewellery, with a mapping of relationships and practice in key centres internationally. It examines approaches ranging from colour achieved using the inherent properties of metal to react with other chemicals or heat (or a combination); the reveal of colour as a property of the metal itself; infusing the surface of aluminium with pure colour or image; the use of enamel glazes with varying degrees of transparency and opacity – but always with a fundamentally strong relationship with the surface qualities of the metal.
Jane Adam | Peter Bauhuis | Edmond Byrne | Stuart Cairns | Alison Counsell | Rebecca de Quin | Christine Graf | Koji Hatakeyama | Nicola Heidemann | Kaori Juzu | Toru Kaneko | Ruth Laird | Jose Marin | Cecilia Moore | John Moore | Cara Murphy | Thanh-Truc Nguyen | Cóilín Ó Dubhghaill | Michael Rowe | Ryuhei Sako | Simone ten Hompel | Adi Toch | Jessica Turrell | Roxanne Simone | Max Warren
The exhibition is scheduled to run October 2021 to February 2022, the exact dates published here are provisional.
Accompanied by a series of Meet the Maker online talks in April-May 2021.
Series 2 of online talks in October 2021